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Air source heat pump report published by QYResearch cited by CSCN and CNN on April 22nd

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According to the latest report from QYResearch research team, the global air source heat pump market is expected to reach $65.729 billion in 2029, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 15.3% from 2023 to 2029.

According to the QYResearch report, as far as products are concerned, household is the most important application field, and the consumer market in the household field accounted for about 78.9% of the global air-source heat pump market in 2022; as far as the consumption level is concerned, the Asia-Pacific region is currently the world's largest consumer market, followed by North America and the European region; meanwhile, in the global market rankings of the air-source heat pumps, which include Haier, Midea, Gree, Panasonic, LG, Bosch Comfort Technology, A.O. Smith and other home appliance giants.

Source: China Steel, China National Grid

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